Posted by: THF, HappyFeminist@gmail.com
Come to a FREE and fun concert by women & their supporters.
Sat., June 27th, 2PM at Tompkins Square Park
Co-Emceed by Our Lady of Perpetual PMS and Killer Killy
KILLER KILLY (subversive comedic songs)
JENNIFER BLOWDRYER: (LES punk writer w/Tales from The Lower East Side)
RACHEL CLEARY: (political storyteller)
MICHELLE LEONA: (haunting and horny accordian songs)
ROSIE REBEL: (showcases her bra inventions...on roller skates!)
JERIN ALAM: (speaker- Women's Rights Coalition)
SARAH B.: (punk teen poet sensation)
NEOANGIN: (one man electronics-gone-mad-art band from Berlin w/paintings & masks)
(debut of the Teen Girl Indie Pop-Rock Players!)
JESSICA DELFINO: (raunchy, insurgent rock & folk)
LONE VEIN: (Day of The Dead-inspired gloom tunes)
RUBBER ROOM RATS: (Female-fronted freaky post-punk)
DETHRACE: (a theatrical art rock experience...10 ft. tall fiberglass super-robots, playing 666 volts of metal!)
Plus MORE TBA, coming soon!
Also featuring:
The twisted art and underground comix of Jenny Devildoll Gonzalez, and Daniella Day's Coney Island collage art.
Clothing Swap:
Bring or Take CLEAN WOMEN'S CLOTHING only!
(no winter clothes please)
Helpful info. and literature from local political groups and non-profits!
Produced by Our Lady of Perpetual PMS and THE SHADOW - NYC's underground newspaper since 1988*
Sponsors needed – please call 212-631-1181 (24hrs) or email: TheSHADOW@MediaFilter.org
REBUILD THE TOMPKINS SQ. PARK BANDSHELL - Sign the petitions at the shows!
*These shows celebrate the vitality and creativity of the counter cultural scene that has survived on the LES, despite the rampant gentrification, soaring rents and lost venues that have contributed to the cultural genocide sweeping New York City.
We will also be on stage to discuss the CUNY-wide sexual assault policy.
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